Sopa de mejillones (Peruvian recipes)

Total time: 2 hours. Quantity: 4 persons.

Seafood soup that you can prepare to accompany meals and in your daily menu.

Sopa de choros or also called "Caldo de choros", is a meal prepared with mussels, potato, tomato pieces, noodles and decorated with coriander leaves. Being a broth cooked with "mussels", it is considered a nutritious soup, and rich in minerals; which is highly recommended in our balanced diet. The preparation of this soup is easy, and the ingredients can be found near us to enjoy it without any problem.

Let's see how to prepare it!

Sopa de mejillones (Peruvian recipes)


  • 500 g of washed mussels (known as "choros").
  • 1 tablespoon of crushed garlic.
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.
  • 1 small tomato chopped into small cubes.
  • 1 small onion chopped in cubes.
  • 250 g of noodles (they come packaged).
  • ¼ kg of yellow potato (cut in four parts for each potato).
  • 2 tablespoons of oregano.
  • Culantro sprigs (chopped in small pieces).
  • Sazonador (known in Peru as Ají-no-moto).
  • 1 small carrot grated in a grater.
  • 130 g of "iqueño" pumpkin (also grated in grater).
  • Salt.

Procedure of the recipe:

  1. In a pot, add the vegetable oil, the crushed garlic, the chopped onion in squares, the tomato and sauté.
  2. Let it brown, and add water (2 liters in this case), wait for it to boil; and after the wait add the noodles, salt to taste, and prove that it is ready.
  3. We let it cook for 14 minutes (the time it will take to cook the noodles); and in the middle of the time we add the potatoes, carrots and grated pumpkin (this will allow the ingredients to cook at the end of the cooking of the noodles). Finally add the well washed mussels.
  4. Finally, if something is missing, add seasoning, oregano and decorate with the coriander sprigs around it.
  5. Serve in deep plates, accompanied by lemons.

Mejillones, ingredient

Note: The amount of water, mentioned in procedure 2; has been calculated according to the original recipe; but this could vary if you have more people.

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