The reality of travel is that it makes you poor

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When you have the opportunity to travel, do it, but if you are earning well, have a well paid position, or are in a work space that makes you feel good; take this opportunity and save.

First of all, I had the opportunity to start a startup (internet startup company) in 2017, and 2018; but due to problems with everything a little bit, the business idea, never worked out. In fact, something I learned within all of it, is that it was and no longer is, a very profitable industry and that every year had a good growth. This industry is called: tourism.

When you have the opportunity to travel, do it, but if you find yourself earning well, and you have a well paid position, or are in a work space that makes you feel good; take this opportunity and save.

According to market indications and research, tourism was, and was, an exponential growth industry, and now it has been turned into an obstacle by Covid-19 and its variants. In other words, the tourism industry has literally come to a standstill for one day worldwide. And despite this, international travel has become very difficult to do, and the fear caused by the virus has dismantled these types of trips.

However, things are changing little by little; people can even travel in their respective countries, and I see that many people are already moving, and that security protocols have been created to avoid new contagions. To date, I cannot provide an estimated date for that, however, we have a long way to go.

Nevertheless, tourism is an industry that contains a lot of benefits actually; with it, it allows us to get to know new customs, traditions, new people, new cities, new ecological systems, and different ways of seeing the world, and according to the profile of tourist you are, your mentality may change.

Travel is not a good investment, for those who really work and those who do not.
Travel is not a good investment, for those who really work and those who do not.

However, today, travel has another absolute reality. Not everyone can have the opportunity to do it, because the reality is that as we all know, travel is for those who have money, and money to spare. Well, spare money, for me and millions of other people, is something that cannot be done from one day to the next, however, people make an effort to do it, and I have even "heard that they use credit cards" or "go into debt" to fulfill their dream of traveling.

Often, with this observation, I can firmly state that people, or 98% of people, do not like to be talked to about investing, or to hear phrases like: hey, invest. Because when we talk about these topics, it is like talking about sexuality with our children, and we consider it a taboo. But the reality is different. That is to say, people who often like to travel, do not do it with their own money, but they take it from something that allows them to pay for their travel expenses. For example, they use credit cards, get loans, or someone pays for them.

International Tourism Overview 2020 Edition

Faced with this situation, it brings to my mind a memory of an uncle who has his nephew in Europe, and that, apparently, when someone travels to another country; he has a particular way of seeing the world, or to see that person in another way, but, nevertheless, the reality is another. Although that is another subject, I will focus on what I want to say. Well, my uncle's nephew traveled to at least every country in Europe, and took pictures everywhere he went. And I personally, I had the opportunity to see the different activities that this boy did, but I never thought about the money, and where they got it from. I thought it was a college trip, but I never thought about where the money came from to be able to travel. However, after years, I was able to realize for myself, that there are 3 ways to finance a trip, and this can be found in various market research studies:

  • Financing 1: Savings from your own work.
  • Financing 2: Credit card.
  • Financing 3: Money sent by family or friends from one country to another.

These 3 forms of financing is actually good. However, it is not a good long term investment, and I say that with a lot of certainty. Or at least, it is not a good investment because it gets other social and moral problems.

For example, if it is a saving from your work, you must consider that this is a one-time expense, and irreversible; that is, you will never be able to recover the money you have spent on travel. For companies and ordinary people, it is not good that their employees, or oneself, travel at every moment, because it generates one-time expenses, and they are never recovered. They are irreversible expenses.

This is the reason why not everyone travels, and why people who are always traveling have only one season. Why does this happen? Because of the fact that they must have liquidity for their expenses, and when there is no liquidity, they paralyze their travel plans. I call all this a travel crisis, and it is the same as when a company goes bankrupt.

Going back to my uncle's story, I realized that his nephew who was in Europe and who seemed unstoppable to travel, the liquidity (I mean the amount of money he needed) he had to be able to travel, came from him, and from the support of other family members who were betting on the boy. And who, however, acted out of emotion, because sooner or later, someone was going to cut off the money supply. So now, I no longer see this nephew traveling from one place to another. The liquidity is over! Or at least he realized that traveling at someone else's expense is easy, while working with the sweat of one's brow is another reality.

Well, someone in the family realized this fact, and saw that the money that was intended to support him, was actually being used to travel. And so the supply was cut off, and finally, the boy would have to work for himself, and like everyone else.

The reality of travel is that it makes you poor.

If you want financial freedom, you need to have a management mentality. And when you have the opportunity to travel, do it, but if you find yourself earning well, and you have a high paying job, or are in a work space that makes you feel good; take this opportunity and save.

After you can have the discipline to save, look for easy ways and start with your first investment. Don't do things the other way around, and this bad practice is often done by most people. For when they earn very well, they travel, and buy things that are not essential in their life.

It is not bad to have a "little taste", it is bad when you have this opportunity and you can use it to get more wealth.

When you have the opportunity to earn a good salary and according to your profile, look for the best way to be able to save, and play poor. This mistake is usually the opposite in almost all people in the world; and they do the opposite. Well, when you have this opportunity, instead of being a millionaire, or the one who feels good for having money, try or make an effort to save, and play the poor person.

Don't tell anyone how well you earn, and control your emotions. Don't use your first big paycheck to give away money, or give to the poor, or travel because you deserve it, or get the idea that you deserve it and want to feel good. Don't do this! You will soon feel bankrupt.

I have created an article called 4 tips to create long term wealth, and it is where I tell you the absolute truth to create it.

ACL Recetas

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