Vegetable salad with mayonnaise (Peruvian recipe)

Vegetarian recipe, easy to prepare

Today we are going to prepare a vegetarian recipe to eat at lunch, or on any special occasion. It is the vegetable salad with mayonnaise, a delicious and nutritious recipe that we will love. If you want to opt for a healthy diet, you can read this recipe and follow the instructions. As if that were not enough, the recipe is very easy to prepare. 

Let's see how to prepare it!

Vegetable salad with mayonnaise (Peruvian recipe)

Recipe ingredients.

  • 2 beet, fresh and medium-sized.
  • 2 carrots, tender and medium size.
  • 6-8 fresh asparagus.
  • 3-4 fresh artichokes.
  • 6 leaf onions.
  • 1 cup of Russian salad.

Recipe procedure.

  1. Cook the beets in water and let them cool. After that, peel them and cut them into slices.
  2. Peel and cook the artichokes; cut them in four parts.
  3. Clean, and grate the carrots. After this, parboil and peel the asparagus.
  4. On a bowl with compartments, distribute the asparagus, the grated carrots, the beet, the artichokes, the leaf onions (they must be peeled and washed); and also, the Russian salad mixed with mayonnaise, or with oil and lemon.

Russian salad, ingredient

Note: Serve this salad with a fruit juice, made with natural fruits. Do not forget to serve it with the family.

Preparation video in Spanish.

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