Fréjoles a la Vegetariana (peruvian recipes)

 Easy recipe prepared with vegetables.

Today we are going to prepare the recipe for vegetarian beans, a recipe that is part of our vegetarian meals, to be able to enjoy exotic and nutritious meals. This dish is a meal for those people who are looking for recipes that are nutritious and are part of their diet.

Fréjoles a la Vegetariana (receta peruana)
Fréjoles a la Vegetariana (peruvian recipes)

Ingredients of the recipe.

  • 500 grams of canary beans.
  • 4 cups of water.
  • One cup of raw turnip.
  • A bay leaf.
  • Fresh ground garlic.
  • Green seasoning to taste.
  • One cup of onion.
  • One medium eggplant, roasted in lemon juice, with a little salt, and seeded.
  • One cup of peeled and chopped tomato.
  • One tablespoon of oil.
  • One cup of roasted gluten with soy salt.
  • 4 vegetarian sausages cut in big pieces.
  • Salt to taste.

Recipe procedure.

  1. Place in a pot the beans, onion, bay leaf, ground garlic with oregano and a little water (observe that the cooking always has water).
  2. Take them to the fire until they are cooked.
  3. Add the rest of the ingredients, except the roasted gluten and the sausages.
  4. Let them cook for more time, and when they are completely cooked, add the green seasoning, the gluten in pieces, the sausages and the oil.
  5. Serve with fruit juice.

The recipe for vegetarian beans, a recipe that is part of our vegetarian meals

Gluten: Nutritional reserve protein, found in the seeds of grasses together with starch.

Preparation video in Spanish

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