Carrot Salad ( peruvian recipes)

Recipe based on vegetables.

Today we are going to prepare a delicious vegetable recipe, which is based on carrots, with this salad we will be able to enjoy in our meals. If this is the first time you are going to prepare this salad, you will like it; and if you are vegetarian, this recipe will be good for you, as it is a way to cook new delicious recipes.

Let's see how to prepare it!

Carrot Salad ( peruvian recipes).


  • 1 kg of fresh medium carrots.
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil.
  • ¼ kg of olives or cheese.
  • Cumin to taste.

Recipe procedure.

  1. Cook the carrots, over a pot with water, until half cooked. And then preserve them, to use them later.
  2. Remember to use a fork to know if the carrots are ready and cooked.
  3. Cut the carrots into slices and add the olives, salt and vegetable oil. Mix all this together.
  4. Serve this salad at every meal you want, and enjoy it with the family.

Sliced carrots
Sliced carrots

Note: Use quality ingredients, and fresh.

Preparation video in Spanish.

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