Pan integral (Peruvian preparation)

Vegetarian recipe, to enjoy delicious meals.

Today, we are going to prepare whole wheat bread as a vegetarian recipe, with foods that we can find in our local market. If it is the first time, that you have heard about how to prepare whole wheat bread, this recipe, is going to help you to do it. You can follow the instructions of this recipe.

Pan integral (Peruvian preparation)
Pan integral (Peruvian preparation)

Recipe ingredients.

  • 2 tablespoons, full tablespoons of brown sugar.
  • 2 tablespoons of yeast.
  • 2 cups of whole wheat flour.
  • 1 liter or 4 large glasses of warm water.
  • A tablespoon of salt.
  • A small glass of oil.
  • 1 and a half kg of special or common wheat flour.

Procedure of the recipe.

  1. Put in a bowl the yeast, the warm water, the salt, the sugar, the oil and the whole wheat flour.
  2. Stir well and add the flour a little at a time until it forms a homogeneous dough.
  3. Stir the dough until it is smooth, and let it rest for 40 minutes. After that period, cut it into several equal parts.
  4. Begin to roll the breads, and place them in a mold greased with oil and flour.
  5. Let them rest again, until they double in size, and when molded become light.
  6. When the dough increases in size, and the bread is molded, turn on the oven, and cook the bread on low heat, and then higher to brown.

When the dough increases in size, and the bread is molded, turn on the oven, and cook the bread on low heat, and then higher to brown.

Note: If you wish, you can substitute whole wheat flour with oatmeal, wheat germ, soy residue, wheat bran, rye, sesame, cooked pumpkin.

 Preparation video in Spanish

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