Rocoto Relleno (Peruvian recipe)

Peruvian food, and easy to prepare.

The stuffed rocoto, is a typical Peruvian food, prepared in a singular way, and with ingredients that make its flavor stand out. Its preparation consists of introducing ground beef into a medium-sized rocoto and then cooking it in an oven. It also incorporates other ingredients such as cheese, pork, and chili. Nowadays it is a meal rich in flavor, and it is considered a Peruvian Creole dish (due to the combination of ingredients it presents).

Let's see how to prepare it!

Rocoto Relleno (Peruvian recipe)


  • ½ kg of ground beef or cut into small pieces.
  • ½ kg of pork meat cut into small pieces.
  • 1 piece of fresh margarine or a butter.
  • 3 boiled and diced eggs.
  • ½ cup of aji panca (fresh).
  • 4 rocotos (medium and fresh).
  • 4 chopped pecans (this is optional).
  • 1 onion cut into small cubes.
  • 2-4 tablespoons of freshly ground garlic.

Recipe procedure.

  1. Proceed to cut each rocoto from the top, and remove the excess tail. This should look like a tapa (see reference photo).
  2. Once the rocoto is cut, remove the veins and seeds. Then boil them for approximately 2 minutes.
  3. During this waiting time, add 3 tablespoons of aji panca bell pepper, the small piece of margarine and 2 teaspoons of ground garlic to a frying pan. Let them brown.
  4. Then add the beef and pork. Then add the beef and pork and sauté until it is tender and cooked. Do not forget to season with pepper, cumin and salt to taste.
  5. Cook at normal temperature, and move from one side to the other, without letting the preparation stick. Taste for flavor.
  6. Before the end of cooking, add the chopped onion, the pecans, and the egg cut in small cubes. Move from one side to the other, and let it cook until it is ready.
  7. To serve, you only have to fill inside each rocoto, a quantity of the obtained preparation, and if you like, accompany with chili and cheese.
  8. And to conclude, we only need to cook, each rocoto inside an oven at a normal temperature; and then check its cooking, for a short time.
  9. Serve, alone or with other food; and enjoy it in the company of those you love the most.

The stuffed rocoto, is a typical Peruvian

Note: When the rocoto is boiled, it allows its texture to be soft and its pungency to diminish. This is recommended when making it for children. Remember to use quality, fresh ingredients.

Preparation video in Spanish.

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