Locro de camarones ( Peruvian recipe)

Total time: 2 hours. Quantity: 4 persons. Calories: 100 kcal.

Recipe prepared by Camarones.

Today we are going to prepare this delicious shrimp locro recipe, a meal that is known for its exquisite flavor and quick preparation. Usually, the preparation of this meal, requires an approximate time, and you must follow some instructions to make it.

Let's see how to prepare it!

Locro de camarones ( Peruvian recipe)

Recipe ingredients.

  • One kilo of shrimp, cleaned.
  • One cup of shrimp broth made with the heads.
  • 1 quarter of a kilogram of pumpkin macre.
  • 8 cloves of garlic.
  • 3 spoonfuls of yellow chili bell pepper (ground).
  • 3 chopped onions.
  • One kilo of potatoes, boiled and peeled.
  • 200 grams of peeled beans.
  • 4 sliced corn (optional).
  • 8 caiguas, chopped and without seeds (optional).
  • 2 sprigs of huacatay.
  • A cup of milk.
  • A quarter of a kilogram of paria cheese.
  • Oil in necessary quantity.
  • Salt, pepper and cumin to taste.

Procedure of the recipe.

  1. In a pot, boil the pumpkin with very little water, without salt or seasoning. Remove the peel and reserve the pulp.
  2. In another pot, sauté the garlic, ground yellow chili, chopped onion, cumin, and pepper in a little oil. Add the pumpkin pulp and mix, then add the sliced corn, the cut caiguas, the beans and the broth.
  3. When the vegetables are cooked, add the milk, the chopped Paria cheese, the huacatay, and the boiled potatoes. Place the clean shrimp on top and leave until they turn red.

Locro de camarones, una comida que es conocida por su exquisito sabor, y forma rápida de preparar
Locro de camarones, una comida que es conocida por su exquisito sabor, y forma rápida de preparar

Note: We recommend that you apply the rules of hygiene in every food you are going to cook. It is important to take care of the health of the people and of those who are going to consume this food.

Preparation video in Spanish.

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