Delicious recipe to accompany any occasion.
Today we are going to prepare the recipe for "Garlic Shrimp", a special meal that we can prepare for any occasion we want. In this case, garlic shrimp is a typical meal in many cuisines of the world, so here we leave you the steps to make this delicious meal and you can surprise family and friends. Let's see how to prepare it!
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Garlic Shrimp |
Recipe ingredients.
- Fresh shrimp (medium).
- Garlic (fresh and crushed).
- White onion (chopped).
- Salt to taste.
- Pepper to taste.
- Red pepper or paprika.
- Parsley (chopped).
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Garlic, ingredient. |
Recipe procedure.
The shrimps are opened raw and with all their shells.
Chop the garlic and the onion, fry them in olive oil until they are yellow in color.
In a refractory put some shrimp with the shells down. Add salt to taste, pepper, red pepper or paprika, parsley (chopped), and bathe with the oil (Procedure 2).
Then add some more shrimp and the rest until they are all used up. Cover with aluminum foil and bake for approximately 20 - 25 minutes at 200 °C.
You can prepare a set of fruit juices for its preparation.
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Paprika, ingrediens. |
Note: The word Paprika comes From the Hungarian paprika, which literally means ground bell pepper powder.