Fish Chupin

Calories: 1918 kcal, 100 g consumption. Total time: 2 hours. Quantity: 4 persons.

Very delicious Peruvian recipe to prepare with family and friends.

Today we present the recipe "Chupín de Pescado", a typical dish of Peruvian cuisine and very easy to make. All Peruvian meals are delicious, and this recipe does not escape from being one of them. Today we leave you a homemade procedure to make it. Let's see how to prepare it and enjoy it with family and friends.

Fish Chupin.
Fish Chupin.

Recipe ingredients.

  • One fish.
  • One onion.
  • Half a spoonful of sugar.
  • A spoonful of garlic.
  • A spoonful of red bell pepper (ground).
  • Half a bell pepper (blended).
  • ¼ of bell pepper (liquefied).
  • ¼ glass of wine.
  • A cup of fish broth.
  • 2 tomatoes (fresh).
  • A sprig of coriander.
  • A mushroom.
  • A bay leaf.
  • Pepper.
  • Salt to taste.
  • Vegetable oil.

Bay leaf, ingredient.
Bay leaf, ingredient.

Recipe procedure.

  1. Remove the scales from the whole fish and add salt to taste, making some light cuts in the loin.
  2. The onion should be cut into regular squares, and the peeled tomato is blended with the bell pepper, adding a little fish stock.
  3. In a frying pan add the oil and wait for it to heat, and immediately add the onion, sauté, and then add the garlic, the bell pepper, the red chili bell pepper and let it fry.
  4. Then add the tomato liquefied with the bell pepper, stirring to mix.
  5. Then add the tomato liquefied with the bell pepper, stirring to mix
  6. When they are well fried, add the fish, which should be salted, and let it cook, covering the pot for a few minutes.
  7. Uncover and sprinkle the sauce over the fish so that it takes the taste of the sauce, check the salt and sprinkle the chopped coriander over the fish and cover the pot again, turning off the fire. Wait about 10 minutes before serving.
  8. It can be served with white rice.

Delicious Peruvian recipe to prepare with family and friends.
Delicious Peruvian recipe to prepare with family and friends.


Note: It is important to have all the ingredients and preparations ready to pour quickly and take the right taste.


Preparation video in Spanish.

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