Ensalada de palta (Peruvian recipe).

Total time: 60 minutes. Quantity: 4 persons. Calories 1356 kcal, per 100 g of consumption.

Easy to prepare salad.

Today we are going to prepare a very nutritious and easy to make salad. Its preparation is based on avocado, tomatoes and lettuce. It also incorporates other local ingredients which are: onion and lemons. Personally, this is one of the most delicious meals we can prepare. If this is the first time you are going to prepare this meal, you are going to love it.

Let's see how to prepare it!

Ensalada de palta  (Peruvian recipe).
Ensalada de palta  (Peruvian recipe).

Salad ingredients.

  • Three fresh and healthy avocados.
  • 6 tomatoes, medium.
  • One lettuce (fresh and washed).
  • One large onion.
  • Lemon juice.
  • Half a cup of oil.
  • Salt.
  • Pepper.

Procedure of the recipe.

  1. Wash the lettuce leaves well and put them to drain in a colander. Washing the lettuce is important, because it allows to eliminate contaminations from the environment.
  2. Then, soak the tomatoes in hot water and peel them. Let them rest in a bowl to use them later.
  3. Prepare a sauce with the onion, cut to the feather, this type of cut is similar to that of the ceviche; add lemon juice, salt and pepper. Everything, to taste.
  4. Let stand for a few minutes.
  5. On a salad bowl, or salad bowl, place the shredded lettuce, and the tomatoes cut in half lengthwise, and in thick slices.
  6. Finally, the important part is to peel and cut the avocados lengthwise and arrange the pieces alternating with the tomatoes. Cover with all the onion sauce and serve.
  7. This salad can be prepared for all kinds of meals. It is important, that at each meal, you pre-pair a fruit juice to make a tastier meal.

Avocado cut lengthwise, ingredient.
Avocado cut lengthwise, ingredient.

Note: There is no immediate advice, but we can recommend you to wash the ingredients in the best way, no matter if the products have been bought from a mall or local market. The important thing here is to apply the rules of hygiene.

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