Aji de huevos, peruvian recipe

Delicious food for every action:

The aji de huevos, is a typical food of Peruvian cuisine, and one of the favorite dishes of people. The way to prepare it is that it is easy to cook with ingredients that we can find locally, and it has a fairly easy procedure. If this is the first time you are going to prepare this meal, you are going to love it.

Let's see how to prepare it!

Aji de huevos, peruvian recipe
Aji de huevos, peruvian recipe

Ingredients for ajĆ­ de huevos:

  •  ½ kilo of pork, diced.
  •  ½ cup of oil.
  •  ¼ kilo of chopped onion.
  •  1 tablespoon of paprika.
  • Ground chili to taste.
  • 1 cube of double meat stock.
  • 6 eggs.
  •  6 boiled potatoes.
  •  Salt.
  • Pepper to taste.

Procedure of the recipe:

  1. In a frying pan with hot oil, brown the pork pieces. Once cooked, add the onion, paprika, salt, paprika, ground chili bell pepper and the double bouillon cube.
  2. Mix the eggs in a bowl and add them to the well-cooked dressing, letting it set quickly. Serve with peeled boiled potatoes.

Pork (in squares), ingredient

Note: It is important that each ingredient is in good health; therefore, strive for good food.

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