Spicy Seafood Peruvian recipe (Picante de Mariscos)

Total time: 2 hours. Quantity: 6-8 people. Calories: 100 kcal.

Spicy Creole from Peru.

The Spicy of shellfish is a typical dish of Peru characterized by its spicy flavor (sometimes it is not) and its rich taste, since its preparation is made with a dressing where you add peppers ─ajĆ­ panca and mirasol─ also add entreveros of shellfish to combine one and another ingredient; and thus make it unique. Today we can prepare a spicy dish with ingredients that we find within our reach and taste one of the most popular foods in all of Peru.

Recipe of the Spicy Seafood.
Recipe of the Spicy Seafood..

The easiest way to do this is by choosing ingredients such as mollusks, crustaceans, and other marine inputs. And then acquiring fresh peppers to prepare the right dressing and form the "stew" of our spice. The good thing is to follow this basic recipe. Let's see how to prepare it!

Ingredients for the recipe.

  • ½ k (500 g) of entrevero of seafood (molluscs and crustaceans).
  • Umami Seasoning (known as "AjĆ­-no-moto").
  • 1 head onion cut in small squares.
  • 1 piece of fresh butter.
  • 3-5 spoonfuls of fresh pickled bell pepper.
  • 2 cups (473.18 ml) of vegetable oil
  • 3-5 tablespoons (75 g) freshly ground garlic.
  • 3-5 spoonfuls (75 g) of chili panca.
  • 1 spoonful of pepper.
  • 1 spoonful of Cumin.
  • 1 spoonful of salt or to the taste.

Recipe procedure.

  1. On a clean and comfortable frying pan; prepare a basic dressing adding oil and the piece of fresh butter.
  2. After making the butter melt in the oil, add the cut onion and season with salt to taste.
  3. Fry and dress well. And then add the cream of pickled chili, the ground garlic (2-3 three spoons) and with the help of a spoon move slightly from one side to the other.
  4. Let the preparation take consistency and add the seafood entrevero. And cook at normal temperature. Add a spoonful of ajĆ­ panca and leave it ready.
  5. Leave to take point until everything is well gilded. And let it cook.
  6. Add optionally a piece of rocoto to make it bite. This is done when the preparation is about to be finished.
  7. Serve with white rice and a fruit juice.
Note: When "cream of escabeche" is mentioned it refers to the same cream that is used for the huancaĆ­na potato. This cream can also be replaced by the aji panca or mirasol. But without letting it bite.

Video of the preparation.

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