Stewed lentils

Very delicious vegetarian recipe.

Today we are going to prepare the recipe for stewed lentils, a nutritious meal with a minimum preparation of time. The ingredients can be purchased locally, and easily in supermarkets and food stores.

Stewed lentils
Stewed lentils. Image provided by

Ingredients for this recipe.

  • 1 kg of green lentils
  • 1 Medium onion.
  • 2 fresh carrots
  • Garlic
  • Laurel.
  • 1 fresh tomato
  • 1 Teaspoon of paprika
  • 1 teaspoon of flour.

Procedure of the recipe.

  • The green lentils are cooked with salt (add a small amount).
  • Remove from heat when they are half cooked.
  • In a pan with a little water, prepare the pea by adding the garlic, onion, chopped carrot, bay leaf, and ground paprika.
  • Add the tomato in pieces, and remove the pea from the heat and add a spoonful of flour.
  • Add the contents of the pan in the pot of the lentils and put on a low heat for 5 minutes.
  • Season with salt to give a good flavor, add Parsley and serve hot.
  • Serve with special fruit juices, and accompany as a family.
Check other recipe related.

Video of preparation.

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