Filled tomatoes Peruvian

Recipe prepared with vegetables.

Today we want to share a delicious recipe for all people who look for nutritious meals, and alternate meals in front of other meals. This recipe is called “stuffed tomatoes”, a meal that can be prepared easily, and that requires a little time to prepare it. There is no doubt that preparing vegetable-based meals will be a healthy and nutritious way of eating; You can see the complete recipe list here. Let’s see how to prepare it!

Filled tomatoes Peruvian
Filled tomatoes Peruvian. 

Ingredients of the recipe.

  • 6 large tomatoes that are fresh and in good condition.
  • 150 grams of boiled rice.
  • 3 hard and grated eggs.
  • ½ cup of carrot cream.
  • ½ cup of spinach cream.
  • 1 lettuce.

Procedure of the recipe.

  1. The first step is to wash each ingredient and apply the rules of hygiene.
  2. Cut the top of each tomato, and squeeze the pulp inside; when we remove the inside part try not to spoil the tomato.
  3. On the cooked rice, add the cooked eggs and season with this rice.
  4. Since we have mixed the rice with the eggs, fill each tomato with this. And do it with all the tomatoes.
  5. Serve with the creams (carrot and spinach cream) and top with lettuce as a base. Do not forget to prepare a delicious special fruit juice, and gather as a family.

Note. Try to squeeze the pulp of the tomato, without damaging the contour of this food. You can use the tomato pulp to make a broth and add this pulp.

Definition of ingredients
TomatoesRed berry, fruit of the tomato plant, with a smooth and bright surface, in whose pulp there are numerous seeds somewhat crushed and yellow.

Video of preparation.

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