Baked turkey Christmas recipe (Pavo al horno peruano)

A recipe to celebrate as a family.

Today we are going to share a family recipe to prepare the baked turkey recipe, whose tradition is to prepare it for the dates of December 25 or the day before. But if we wish, we can do it any day of the year; which means that this recipe is valid for every date. This recipe is based on a Peruvian preparation, which is really delicious and the ingredients we are going to use are really local; This means that we can find them quickly in a nearby market.

Baked turkey Christmas recipe (Pavo al horno peruano)
Baked turkey Christmas recipe (Pavo al horno peruano). Image provided by Recetas Fáciles y rápidas.

Ingredients of the recipe.

  • 1 large turkey that is squeezed the viscera and clean.
  • 10-20 tablespoons fresh ground garlic (Ajo Molido).
  • 10-20 tablespoons of fresh yellow pepper (Ají Amarillo).
  • 10-20 tablespoons of fresh red chili (Ají Rojo).
  • White vinegar to mix “maceration” (Maceración del pavo).
  • Chicha de Jora (optional, Juice of the Peru).
  • Umami seasoning to highlight flavor.
  • Salt to taste.
  • Pepper to taste.
  • Cumin to taste.

Procedure of the recipe.

  1. The first step is to wash the contour of the turkey with “Chicha de jora”, so that the meat of the turkey is well pigmented with the flavor of “Chicha de jora”. It is recommended that it be used to wash the leftover parts of the turkey, and not to use as a dressing.
  2. Save the turkey and keep.
  3. Then, prepare a maceration with the following ingredients: on a large platter add fresh yellow chilli (Ají Amarillo), fresh red chilli (Ají rojo fresco), ground garlic (Ajo molido), salt to taste, and seasonings (umami seasoning, cumin and pepper).
  4. And add to this mixture, the white vinegar to make our mixture have a uniform consistency.
  5. We move with a spoon so that the mixture is well uniform, and taste the flavor. If something is missing, add more seasonings or salt to taste; or if the mixture (maceration), it is poor to add more peppers.
  6. This maceration we let it rest for a couple of hours, or we can simply stop overnight stored in a refrigerator.
  7. The last step is to add this mixture in the meat of the turkey, or in the whole turkey causing it to penetrate the whole turkey. In this way we macerate the contour and make sure that no meat is lost from this maceration.
  8. Finally, on a platter put the macerated turkey to cook and bake between 250 ° C and observe from time to time. Serve with chocolate, or other special food.
  9. Do not forget to accompany with family and friends in these unforgettable holidays.
Note. The preparation of the baked turkey lasts 4-6 hours inside the oven that can be our kitchen. But this will depend on each family.

Video of the preparation.

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