Chita a la Chalaca (Peruvian Recipe)

Recipe prepared with fish and seafood

Today we are going to prepare a recipe that uses marine ingredients; the preparation of this food, which is cheesed to the Chalaca will help us prepare a delicious meal to gather with family and friends; or at least with the people we love the most. The recipe for “Chita a la Chalaca“can be accompanied by a fruit juice or a special cream.Let’s see how to prepare it!

pescado chita receta peruana
Chita a la chalaca. Image provide by A comer pescado.

Ingredients for this recipe.

  • 1 “Chita” of 1 ½ kg of dough and that is clean and “descamada”.
  • 2 cups of fish stock
  • ½ cup of white wine
  • 3 chopped onions
  • 2 tablespoons finely chopped coriander.
  • 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil.
  • 1 tablespoon ground chili.
  • 2 tablespoons chopped yellow pepper finally.
  • 1 spoonful of chopped and shelled corn.
  • Salt to taste.
  • Pepper to taste.

Procedure of the recipe.

  1. The first step is to wash the ingredients that you will use to consume and ingest.
  2. Place the fish in a pan with the broth, white wine and pepper to taste.
  3. Cook over medium heat for 10-12 minutes or until the fish is well cooked.
  4. After cooking the fish, remove and add it inside a dish and keep warm.
  5. Over another pan, heat oil over medium heat; and we made a basic dressing: with yellow pepper, chopped red pepper, onion and cilantro.
  6. Cook between 5 -10 minutes, and finally, season with salt and pepper to taste.
  7. Place the sauce on the fish and garnish with grains of parboiled Choclo. If desired, serve with white rice, golden potatoes and lemon slices.
  8. It is recommended that you accompany this meal with some special fruit juice.
Note. Use high-quality ingredients, or at least strive to do so. Remember that, at every meal, you gather as a family and practice human values.


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