Asparagus with mayonnaise

Recipe prepared with vegetables.

Continuing with our list of vegetarian recipes, today we wish to present you with the recipe for “asparagus with mayonnaise”, a salad that is easy to prepare and that requires only some supplies that we can easily find; Remember that mayonnaise can be prepared homemade thanks to this recipe. Without further ado, we want this meal to help you prepare a delicious salad to taste your meals. Let’s see how to prepare it!

Asparagus with mayonnaise
Asparagus with mayonnaise. Image provided by DolitaLasrecetas de mis amigas

Ingredients of the recipe.

Procedure of the recipe.

  1. The first step is to wash each ingredient and apply the hygiene rules to avoid any negative cash.
  2. On a pot, boil the asparagus and after cooking, drain very well.
  3. We let it cool, and on a salad dish, add mayonnaise to be mixed and taste in our main meals.

Note. Use asparagus that is fresh and of quality. People who apply proper hygiene, avoid negative effects that could mean a meal that is not washed.

Video of preparation.


Asparagus with Homemade Mayonnaise by Gerard Crozier from Great Chefs on Vimeo.

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