Chupe de Habas Peruvian Recipe

Recipe based on legumes and beans.

The recipe for the bean sucking (Chupe de Habas) is one of the foods that make up the cookbook of beans recommended by many authors of nutrition. Today we will see a very delicious recipe which incorporates beans, vegetables, onions, garlic and chili peppers. If you want to prepare this recipe you can follow the instructions below and prepare this recipe for food. Let’s see how to prepare it!

Chupe de Habas peruvian recipe
Chupe de Habas Peruvian Recipe. Image provied by A Comer Pescado via Flickr.

Ingredients for this recipe.

  • 2 cups and a half of fresh, peeled beans.
  • 1 cup vegetable broth.
  • 2 purple onions.
  • 3 cloves of garlic.
  • 2 tomatoes.
  • 1 cup yellow chili cream.
  • 5 medium yellow potatoes.
  • 1 cup pumpkin.
  • ¼ kg cup of milk cream.
  • 1 tablespoon of scrubbed oregano.
  • Parsley branches.
  • ½ Cup of rice.
  • Salt and pepper.
  • Vegetable oil for dressing.
  • 1 egg.

Procedure of the recipe.

  1. Make a dressing with onion, oil, garlic, tomato and yellow chili pepper cream.
  2. Add to the broth, the rice and leave to cook.
  3. Then add the peeled and chopped potatoes; The pumpkin in cubes and without shells, the beans, the vegetable broth and let cook until the ingredients are well cooked.
  4. Finish the preparation by incorporating scrubbed oregano, milk cream and finely chopped parsley.
  5. Serve with a fried egg.
  6. Serve with a fruit juice, and accompany with family.

Note. Use quality ingredients, or strive to do so. Always eat meals based on local and nutritious ingredients.

Video of preparation

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