Asparagus salad

 Total Time: 60 minutes. Ammount: 6 people.

Delicious vegetarian Food.

Today we are going to prepare a delicious vegetarian meal in a very easy way. The preparation of this recipe is very easy and requires only a little time; If you like vegetarian recipes, you’re going to love this recipe. If it’s the first time you’re going to like it! Let’s see how to prepare it!

Asparagus salad
Asparagus salad. Image provided by Ben Janasiak

Asparagus salad
Asparagus Salad. Image provided by mellowmark


  • 1 fresh lettuce.
  • 1 paprika.
  • 1 clove of garlic.
  • ½ kg of asparagus.
  • Lemon juice.
  • Potatoes or yuccas.

Recipe procedure.

  1. Wash the lettuce with water and make it into pieces. Mix with a ground garlic.
  2. Season with oil, salt and lemon juice. And finally, add the chopped asparagus (in small dams), and paprika.
  3. Serve with potatoes or yuccas. and a fruit juice.
We advise you to use quality ingredients and to be fresh. In this way, he takes care of the health of his whole family.

Preparation video.

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