Chicken Cau Cau (Peruvian Recipe)

Total Time: 60 minutes. 4-6 People.

Typical food of Peru.

The Cau Cau de Pollo is a typical Peruvian food, and one of the easy-to-prepare meals that exists. Today we are going to be able to prepare a cau cau quickly, and with a procedure that is easy to understand. The main ingredients of this meal are chicken and peppers to achieve the rich flavor. If it’s the first time, that you’re going to prepare this meal will be delicious. Let’s see how to prepare it!

Chicken Cau Cau (Peruvian Recipe)
Chicken Cau Cau Peruvian Recipe. Image provided by Jorge HernĆ”ndez Alonso

Ingredients for this recipe.

  • 1 kg of chicken parboiled and cut into small cubes.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • A chopped onion
  • A teaspoon of toothpick.
  • A spoonful of ground garlic
  • Peppermint.
  • Lemon juice.

Procedure of the recipe.

Time needed: 30 minutes.

  1. This is the procedure of the recipe. Please, follow the next steps now.
  2. Wash each ingredient.
  3. The first step is to wash each ingredient that has been achieved, and remove the parts that are not usable for our consumption.
  4. We only have to mix.
  5. For this recipe, we only have to mix the ingredients in equal amounts: oil, onion, garlic, chili, stick, chicken, potatoes, salt, pepper and a cup of chicken broth.
  6. Accompany with white rice and fruit juice.
  7. At the moment of serving, add the aromatic and chopped herbs around our plate. Accompany with white rice, and a fruit juice for a better presentation.
Note. It is recommended that you always wash the ingredients, regardless of their origin. Health is very important.

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