Pork rinds (Chicharron de Chancho)

Typical dish of Peruvian gastronomy.

Pork rinds (Chicharron de Chancho) is a typical meal of Peruvian cuisine and one of the most consumed meals in Peru. The preparation of this food is easy and with local ingredients. Particularly, it is a delicious meal to taste, and no advanced knowledge is needed; It also requires a short time. This food is delicious! Let’s see how to prepare it!

Preparation of Chicharrón de Chancho (Pork Rinds). Photography provided by Marcos GP.

Ingredients of Chicharrón.

  • 1 kg of pork meat.
  • Salt.
  • Water.

Procedure of the recipe.

Time needed: 40 minutes.

This is the procedure of the Pork Rinds (Peruvian Recipe).

  1. Cut the pig meat.

    Cut the pig meat into small, and in a pot add salt and water.

  2. Boil at normal.

    Boil at normal temperature, and let it boil.

  3. Fry the cooked meat.

    Fry the cooked meat in a frying pan (use the same fat from the meat to fry).

  4. Serve with Creole sauce.

    Serve with Creole sauce (Salsa Criolla), sweet potatoes and bread.

  5. Prepare a fruit juice.

    Accompany with a fruit juice.

Note: Use quality ingredients.

MCP Recipes.

Accompany of Fruit Juice. 

Grape Juice for a company.

You can accompany of fruit juice for this recipe. For example. Grape Juice and others recipes similars. Look our list here.

Video of preparation.

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