Green Tagliatelle (Peruvian recipe)

Total Time: 2 hours. Quantity: 8-10 persons - Calories 1707 kcal, per 100 g of consumption.

A homemade stew.

The green noodle is a typical Peruvian meal, prepared with spinach cream and coriander, accompanied by pork or chicken. Nowadays, it is prepared in a homemade way, and because of the variety of ingredients, it is considered a creole food. Its flavor is delicious, and it is sold in Creole food restaurants. 

Let's see how to prepare it!

Green Tagliatelle (Peruvian recipe)


  • Umami seasoning (in Peru as "Ají-no-moto").
  • One fresh basil.
  • 250 g of thin noodles.
  • 1 small piece of fresh cheese.
  • ¼ cup fresh milk.
  • 125 g ground spinach.
  • 100 g of whole coriander.
  • ½ cup of ground garlic.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Salt.

Recipe procedure.

  1. In a pot, boil water until half of it, and let it heat. Season with a spoonful of ground garlic and salt to taste.
  2. When it is boiling, add ½ kilo of noodles (cut in half), and let it cook until it is cooked. Finish, when it is well cooked, and then separate them on a clean and comfortable pot.
  3. During this time, proceed to wash the spinach and coriander. Then cut into small strips, and then proceed to blend.
  4. In the blender glass, add the spinach, the cilantro, a pinch of milk, and the piece of cheese. Blend for 20 seconds. Taste the cream obtained and season with umami and salt to taste.
  5. Add the cream inside the cooked noodles, and move from one side to the other until it forms a color (leave as in the photo). Serve on plates, and enjoy with the family.
  6. Do not forget to serve it with the pickled chili cream and boiled potatoes.

The green noodle is a typical Peruvian food.

Note: In case you do not obtain cilantro, use "basil branches" instead. These should be cut into small strips. And for the escabeche cream remember to use the same preparation that is done for the huancaína potato.

Video of the preparation in Spanish

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