Total time: 2 hours. Quantity: 4 persons. Calories 912 kcal.
Peruvian Pota Stew recipe.
The recipe of Guisado de Pota, is a delicious meal that you can prepare for your special moments. Without a doubt, it is a nutritious, economical and delicious meal. This recipe belongs to the category of Fish and Seafood, and you can prepare it in an easy way. Follow the recipe procedure and get a fabulous result. Let's see how to prepare the Guisado de pota (squid stew)!
Squid stew (Peruvian recipe)
Ingredients for squid stew.
- 1 kg of squid and parboiled.
- Freshly ground garlic.
- Fresh yellow chilli.
- Fresh yellow chilli.
- Cumin to taste.
- Pepper to taste.
- Salt to taste.
- Yellow potato, cut into small pieces.
Pota, ingredient. |
Recipe procedure.
- Wash each ingredient that we have acquired and apply good hygiene, in this way you avoid many diseases and viruses.
- Boil the squid or octopus, especially the tentacles (see main picture), and let them cook until they are ready.
- On a chopping board, cut into small cubes, and store them in a glass container.
- In a saucepan, add the chillies and make a complete maceration with the chillies, and let it take consistency. Add a pinch of water, and season with seasoning (cumin, pepper and salt to taste).
- Add the potatoes, cut into small cubes, and leave to cook together with the maceration.
- Turn off when the potatoes are well cooked, and pour in the mazamorra.
- Finally, when the mazamorra is ready, add the squid pieces and cook for 2 minutes.
- Serve with white rice, stewed potato and squid, and a vegetable salad.
- You can accompany this recipe with a special juice.
You can swap the squid for the octopus. |
Note: Pota stew, also known as "Pota guisada", is a typical dish prepared with octopus, and is an economical meal in times of crisis.