Rellenas peruanas (Recipes).

Total time: 2 hours. Quantity: 4-6 persons. Calories 562 kcal, per 100 g of consumption.

The ultimate breakfast.

Peruvian rellena is a typical Peruvian food and one of the tastiest breakfast side dishes you can have. Its excellent flavor comes from the preparation of mint and pork (bait). And its way of serving is characteristic of what usually other Peruvian dishes do; to consume it, it has to be fried. One of its main characteristics is to be prepared with animal blood (although this can be optional).

Let's see how to prepare it!

Rellenas peruanas. 

Ingredients of the recipe.

  • Mint leaves.
  • Pork meat (bait part).
  • Oregano.
  • Leaf onion (chop stem and head).
  • Pickles cut in strips.
  • Green chili.
  • Yucca leaves (optional).

Procedure of the recipe.

  1. Proceed to chop the mint leaves, leaf onion, parsley, pickles, yucca leaves (optional), green chili and pork bait.
  2. Pour into a bowl. Season with oregano, salt, cumin and pepper. Separate.
  3. Have pork "tripas" (to buy in the stores) within reach; proceed to wash well and begin to fill with the preparation made previously (the first step) tying it from one side to the other.
  4. On a big pot put to boil the stuffed ones until they are cooked. Finish as soon as they turn black (as in the photo) and turn off. Observe from time to time.
  5. After boiling, put them to cool. And to serve in breakfasts frying in frying pan with oil.

Note: Generally the Peruvian rellenas are prepared with animal blood, but for legal questions and own beliefs on the part of many people this is optional for each person depending on his point of view. When we talk about "tripas" (procedure 3) it basically refers to the pig's intestines. These have to be well washed.

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