Dulce de higo, peruvian recipe

Total time: 2 hours. Quantity: 4 people.

Delicious dessert prepared with figs.

Fig candy is a dessert prepared with sugar and cinnamon. In Peru and other Latin American countries, it is prepared so that people can sell it and generate income, although there are many families that prepare it for tasting and sharing a moment.

Let's see how to prepare it!

dulce de higo, peruvian recipe
Dulce de higo, peruvian recipe.

Ingredients for the sweet.

  • 1 kg of green figs (about to ripen).
  • 1 kg of sugar.
  • 1 cinnamon.

Recipe procedure.

  1. Wash each fig and cut the front part of each one, (the union of the stalk that joins the plant and this one). And leave a cut in the shape of a cross in its back part.
  2. On a pot, we add the cut figs and with it half a spoonful of salt, and we fill water up to the surface of these.
  3. Perform this action up to three times, and rinse thoroughly. In this way we suppress the milky pigment that the figs may have.
  4. Once the previous actions have been carried out, add water again and let it boil over normal heat. This time we no longer rinse, but boil and observe the cooking process.
  5. The boiling will allow the figs to cook, but again we throw away the water. And in a separate pot we add the sugar and cinnamon. And finally we let it cook to its point.
  6. You will turn off the cooking process when you notice that the sugar thickens and turns into honey. This will be the sweet that will accompany the figs.
  7. During cooking, the sugar should be candied and take a thick mass that will be the sweet of the fig (the amount of sugar is the whole kilogram).
  8. Let cool, and serve in small plates or glasses, (take as an example the photo of this recipe).


Note: The term fig comes from the Latin ficus. Second or later fruit of the fig tree, soft, sweet tasting, more or less red or white inside, and full of very small seeds; externally it is covered with a thin greenish, black or purple skin, according to the different types of figs.


Preparation video in Spanish.

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