Ceviche de Cangrejo (Peruvian recipe)

Total time: 60 minutes. Quantity: 4 persons.

Recipe prepared with seafood and easy to prepare for lunch.

Crab Ceviche is a typical meal of Peruvian cuisine that you can prepare in an easy way, and that will also serve to accompany other foods that you prefer. It is usually served with fruit juice and other foods such as: rice with seafood, rice with chicken, chaufa rice, chicharrón de pescado, or fish stew. The ingredients for this recipe can be found in your local supermarket, or in a market near where you live. Let's see how to prepare this recipe!

Ceviche de Cangrejo (Peruvian
Ceviche de Cangrejo (Peruvian

Ingredients of the recipe.

  • 500 grams of fresh and well washed crabs (Eliminate the elements that will not be useful).
  • 2-4 boiled yellow or white potatoes.
  • 8-10 lemons to obtain the juice.
  • 1-2 onions (julienne cut).
  • Cumin to taste.
  • Pepper to taste.
  • Umami seasoning, known by the brand name "aji-no-moto".
  • Salt to taste.
  • Whole rocoto or lime green chili.

Crab and lemons (ingredients).
Crab and lemons (ingredients).

Recipe procedure.

  1. Wash the crabs and remove what will not be useful. It is necessary to wash all the outline of each crab and keep in a container.
  2. Season with salt to taste, cumin and pepper. Add the lemon juice to start cooking; and immediately add the chopped onion.
  3. Mix, and move from one side to the other; and season with aji-no-moto (this ingredient will serve to enhance the flavor).
  4. Taste, and mix. And move from one side to the other. And serve.
  5. It can be served with white rice and stew. Do not forget to prepare a delicious fruit juice.
  6. Cut the boiled potato into slices and serve on each plate.

Onions (Julienne cut), Ingredient.
Onions (Julienne cut), Ingredient.

Note: If you wish, you can add other seafood (optional). With this, you will achieve a better maceration, and your dish will have a better presentation.

Definition of terms.

The word Cangrejo comes from the ant. cangro 'crab', and this from the lat. cancer, -cri, and -ejo.y is defined as: Each of the crustacean arthropods of the order of decapods.

Video of the preparation in Spanish.

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