Arroz tapado (Peruvian recipe)

Total time: 60 minutes. Quantity: 4-6 persons. Calories 411 kcal.

Unique and original recipe.

Tapado rice is a typical Peruvian dish prepared with rice and ground meat (it can be beef or pork). It is called "tapado" because its way of preparation consists of forming a cylindrical contour, so that when it is served it can be seen as if it had been covered.

Let's see how to prepare it!

Arroz tapado (Peruvian recipe)
 Arroz tapado (Peruvian recipe)

Ingredients for Tapado Rice.

  • Vegetable oil.
  • 1 medium onion chopped in small dices (Brunoise cut).
  • ½ k of ground beef (choose beef or the one you prefer).
  • 3 cups of rice (washed and ready to cook).
  • Sprigs of cilantro (to garnish the dish).
  • 2 eggs (cooked and cut in half).
  • 3 teaspoons of unchopped aji amarillo bell pepper.
  • 1 medium tomato chopped in small pieces.
  • 3 tablespoons of freshly ground garlic.
  • Umami seasoning (Ají-no-moto).
  • 4 fresh olives.

Cooked rice, procedure.
Cooked rice, procedure.

Procedure of the recipe.

  1. On a pot start with the preparation of our rice, and finish when it is well grained.
  2. With the help of a frying pan proceed to prepare a basic dressing, adding a little oil, the aji amarillo, a teaspoon of ground garlic, the chopped onion and the tomato (each ingredient is added from time to time).
  3. And with a spoon move from one side to the other until seasoned.
  4. Then add the chopped meat, mix with the previous dressing and season with Umami, and salt to taste.
  5. Once ready our preparation (do not forget to test the taste) proceed to start with the presentation of our dish, and decorate it in the most appropriate way (see the presentation of the photo).
  6. In a mold arrange together with the rice, and serve the rice on plates and enjoy it with the family.
  7. Do not forget that you can serve it with Ocopa arequipeña or crema huacatay and some natural soft drink.
  8. Enjoy an excellent meal!

Note: If you do not opt for "ground beef"; you can chop the meat you have purchased yourself. You can do this with the help of a knife, and chop it small. So that you can use it as ground beef.

Video of the preparation in Spanish.

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