All will be well

All will be well in your life advice article
All will be well in your life advice article

So do not worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's problems are enough for today (Matthew 6: 34 NTV).

Written by Irvis Murillo.

Everything will be fine, I promise you, and I can assure you. This reminds me of when I used to spend hours in front of my computer writing down the things I really wanted in life, and observing that everything I did would never have a happy ending. The frustration that this life brings us, no doubt hits us so hard that we even cry. In fact, I wanted to start a small part-time job, to be a little independent and dedicate myself more to the work of the Lord, but the traps and obstacles that Satan put in my way were very difficult for me.

I am sincere, but every time I lost faith. I even thought for a moment that all this would be meaningless, and that it was not necessary to leave my great sorrows to God. When I finally understood that Jesus gives me this invitation to throw away our burdens (worries, debts, deaths, education, etc.), that is when we most need to add faith in Jesus, and trust in him.

I took my time and work on this faith, it was not overnight. In fact, I had to work hard every day to understand this fact, and now that I have passed this valley of death, I can assure you that everything is under control. We need to let Jehovah mold us like a good potter (Jeremiah 18: 6). How can we understand that everything will be all right, and let ourselves be molded by God?

Everything is under control.

Before making our life worse, or better, we have had to learn about it, and recognize the bad and the good of this decision. For example, if we want to improve our current situation, or our financial state, it is necessary that you have healthier habits, and take care of your money. This simple decision will simply help you to get out of poverty. This is applicable in all cases of life.

For a certain situation to be under control, the Bible teaches us that we must first analyze and study the terrain (Matthew 7: 24). It is not good for us to make a decision without even thinking about it, because it will be much more difficult to know how to control the situation afterwards. 

What does all this have to do with my concerns? The answer is simple; many of the worries that you have, right now, are generated from situations that you have worsened, or from the small or big decisions that you have ever taken, and that are affecting you directly or indirectly, so, before taking any decision, you have to observe and apply the advice of Jesus mentioned in Matthew 7: 24, which will help you not to worsen and to know how to correct your life to success. It does not matter if what has worsened your life is an external agent, because bold and reliable planning will help us to do it, or at least to know how to face our situation calmly.

Self-confidence is an excellent quality
Self-confidence is an excellent quality

Let's use an example to understand this. Suppose you are a male who is or is easy to fall in love; you regularly attend your congregation or your church and you are one of those people who want to "browse" or are "curious about this world" in terms of meeting girls who do not love God. He soon falls in love with a girl who does not belong to his church or congregation, and decides to marry her. 

Everything... up to here you have done the right thing, and you have applied the advice to get married; but the situation changes over time, because she does not even have a biblical basis for her life, or at least she does not even have one; while you, even if half or well grounded, know many biblical principles and know how to direct your life, you will have a better control of your life. Now, you can assure me that there are many marriages that in spite of everything, have gone ahead and many of these marriages are not even Christian; and this is very true, I have no doubt about it. 

In fact, my parents never had biblical principles, but in time they recognized that they were the best; and sure, they had their own problems but God somehow helped them. Nevertheless, the life you lead now, could have been a little better, and balance your life from the worst, little worse and much worse you may be now. of course! This does not mean that a Christian marriage will not have problems; sure there will be, but both are configured by the spirit of God, and know how to come out together more easily.

Unlike a marriage configured in the world, and with God's will, the process becomes easier and less cumbersome. The idea of this, is not to corrupt or make you feel bad; no. Frankly, I wish you would realize that the advice in the bible helps us create environments of happiness, and we don't need to pay for it, because it is so practical and with just one read we can receive many blessings. 

This situation reminds me of a certain illustration. Suppose you are in a labyrinth, and someone has taught you that key X is the key that will open the door to any situation. On the other hand, the other person, who does not know which key to choose, has to find the right key, and it will take him time to get to this key. Do you understand what I want to communicate to you?

What I mean is that people often have the ability to direct their destiny, and make the decisions to lead them to success or failure. If you are a person privileged to understand that such a decision will lead you to success, or will lead you to failure; it is time to do what is right.  God is giving you the opportunity to project your future, and to recognize what your life will be like after this decision....

No one gives us this premise, and this ability to know our future. Will you do it? I recommend that you do, because you will have a better concept of your future, and you will be able to see it in first person. No one knows as well what we feel as God does.

What is our conclusion?

We can conclude that every decision you make now will serve to shape your future. If you have the opportunity to direct your destiny to success, do it. While this is happening, do not make decisions that will worsen your life, which can be drastic or mild. Remember that even God, I had much regret about the human creation in this world, but his love for one man, today we are alive, and that shows that God, did not know what was going to happen to the human being.

His love is always eternal and holy.

How can we have faith...?

How to have faith that everything will be all right? How to have faith if I am watching my husband or wife die little by little? How to have faith if I am watching my father or mother die from a terrible disease? How to have this faith? How to get this anesthesia? It is very difficult to accept a suffering, or a sorrow... it is really difficult. 

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Maybe my problems are so small or insignificant with theirs. And although I have gone through similar and very difficult problems, I can assure you that prayer is a powerful tool, unbreakable, and it never fails. I swear by everything in my life. If you have no answer now, it is because God is working in you, and He wants you to learn lessons. In time, you will be able to apply this to other brothers and sisters and people.

Facets to have faith.

The powerful prayer. Do not hesitate, and if it is hard for you; do it with little will and you will see that later you will have a thrill for doing it. Ask for everything in the name of Jesus, and address your problems specifically to Jehovah. Tell your problem, and ask that his will be done, and give you the best wise decisions. 

The unity of good-hearted brethren. Do not murmur or think that there are people who do not care about your problem, I am sure that there are or will be people very concerned about you, and they will be there in any situation.

Let us always trust in God
Let us always trust in God

Help others to get out of this same problem or a similar problem. Doing other activities will help you to empower what you have felt in helping others to improve their self-esteem. One of the best ways to forget the suffering we have gone through, no matter how great it was or is; is to create a solid strategy to motivate others to get out of that deep hole. God wants you to take action, and he will be willing to help you.

Never give up on visiting your congregation. It is good for you to be thankful to God, and always strive to attend all your Christian meetings, and prepare your assignments with a lot of willingness. 

Time heals every wound of the soul, it is the answer to every kind of difficult question. One of the things that worried me when I was young was whether I would ever find someone to marry, the ideal woman; when all seemed lost, Jehovah gave me a woman on the side that surprised me the most. It was a girl, that once I told her to be my lover, and she said no; since that time I never saw her again; and you know what? 

This same girl, I saw her loving God in my own congregation, after 6 years. She is a very tender, beautiful woman, and above all, she strives to love God, and to apply the principles of the bible. What more can I ask of her? If what she asked Jehovah in prayer, was simply to be happy, and he delivered the complete package. If this is God's work, no one can knock it down.

The Lord, in his infinite grace gave me what I never expected, and I trust fully although with ups and downs... his will. When you ask God with a willing heart, and according to his will, Jehovah will give you the complete package. Jehovah is a God who has no limits and is perfect; he has heavenly lights and is just in what is right; and as children we should strive to please him.

Ask someone who knows how to pray to pray for you.

One of the tools mentioned to preserve faith is prayer. For as we have been assured, prayer has power and has no limits. However, it is good to have others who are more spiritually mature pray for you, and to do so, ask them to pray for you. It seems out of the ordinary, but it makes prayer even more powerful, and it works faster. So, ask someone to pray for you, and you will notice the difference. 

Finally, the Lord Jesus gives us this invitation, "My yoke is easy and my burden is light" (Matthew 11:29). I can assure you that following Christ requires a small sacrifice, where the only thing that is asked of us is our valuable time. Serving God brings us many advantages and blessings, and we never lose anything. So, if we know that we never lose anything, why not do His will?

Article translated from Spanish: Todo estarĆ” bien

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