Chicken recipe easily prepared for today’s menu.
The recipe for Chicken with corn and cumin is a typical meal that integrates chicken meat, onions, chicken broth, cream and corn kernels. A meal that requires a preparation in a minimum of time. You can prepare this meal on your special occasions, or if you do not have much time; for your daily menu. You can find out the list of chicken recipes here. Let’s see how to prepare it!

Ingredientsof the recipe.
- 4 chicken thighs
- 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.
- 2 chopped onions
- A cup of white vinegar.
- A cup of chicken broth.
- A cup of cream (Papa a la HuancaÃna or Ocopa).
- A cup of tender corn kernels.
- A spoonful of ground cumin.
Procedure of the recipe.
Time needed: 30 minutes.
This is the procedure of the recipe Chicken with corn and cumin. Please, follow the next steps.
- First step.
The first step is to heat the oil in a saucepan or pan over moderate heat. Fry the onion for 2 minutes.
- Browning partial cooking the chicken.
Add the chicken and “brown” (Browning (partial cooking)) for 8 minutes until golden brown (well “semi” fried).
- Move to move.
Drain and transfer the meat to another container and store; remove the fat from the saucepan until it has been reduced by half.
- Make the maceration.
And over another bowl, add chicken broth, cream, cumin, and corn kernels, and cook another 5 minutes.
- Always check the seasoning.
Check the seasoning and add this preparation to the chicken meat that we keep (see procedure 3). And let cook in the kitchen oven for 35 minutes.
- Observe your cooking.
Observe your cooking always, and turn off when it is well cooked. This meal can be accompanied by a fruit juice to taste better.
Video of preparation.
Definition of terms.

The Word Choclo, comes from Quechua choccllo. Tender maize cob. It is a very popular food in Peru and other Andean countries that is often used to decorate some typical dishes such as ceviche or pollada. It is a very delicious food and is the secret of the flavor of many dishes.