Vegan mayo (homemade mayonnaise)

Total time: 2 hours. Quantity: 8 people.

Special type of mayonnaise to accompany in family.

Economy Mayonnaise is a type of mayonnaise that you can prepare to obtain a delicious cream, and accompany in family, or in your favorite foods. This mayonnaise has been published as part of a variety of creams or sauces that you can make to accompany your favorite foods. Follow the procedure and get a delicious cream to accompany as a family. Let’s see how to do it!

Vegan mayo (homemade mayonnaise)
Vegan mayo (homemade mayonnaise)

Ingredients of the Economy Mayonnaise.

  • A boiled potato made pure.
  •  1 raw yolk.
  •  One cup of oil.
  •  2 drops of lemon juice.
  •  Salt to taste.
  •  Pepper to taste.
Vegan mayo (homemade mayonnaise)
Vegan mayo (homemade mayonnaise)

Recipe procedure.

  1. The first step is to apply the rules of hygiene, and wash the food well.
  2.  Prepare the economical mayonnaise, adding the yolk with the potato and adding oil (little by little) and beat.
  3.  Achieve with all this, a thick preparation. Finally, season with salt, pepper and lemon juice.
  4.  Serve in the meals you want, and favorites.

Video of the preparation.

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