Chicken recipe to prepare in the daily menu and easy to prepare.
El Pollo al Ajillo (Garlic Chicken) is a typical meal prepared with chicken, easy to prepare, and is a good alternative to prepare against other delicious foods. This food is easy to cook because the ingredients can be found locally, and in almost any part of the world. The main ingredients of this meal are: Chicken, lemon, garlic, salt, oil, flour and boiled potatoes. Let’s see how to prepare it!

Ingredientsfor garlic chicken.
- 6 small cut chicken prey
- Lemon juice (2 lemons approximately).
- 4 cloves of garlic
- A teaspoon of salt.
- Half a cup of unprepared flour
- One cup oil.
- Boiled potatoes.
- One teaspoon chopped parsley.
Procedure of the recipe.
Time needed: 40 minutes.
This is procedure of this recipe. Please Follow the next steps.
- Blender glass and add the lemon Juice.
In a blender glass add the lemon juice, the 2 garlic, the salt, and the oil. Blend to a paste.
- Place in a Bowl.
Place in a bowl, and add chicken prey cut into small ones; leave in maceration for at least 2 hours.
- Put the unprepared.
Put the unprepared flour in a dish, pass the chicken prey until they are well soaked in flour.
- Fry with hot oil.
Fry with hot oil and let cook inside (always take the hot one into account).
- Serve and accompany with the potatoes.
Serve and accompany with the potatoes, and sprinkle with chopped parsley. It can be accompanied by a fruit juice to taste better.
Note. Apply the rules of hygiene to avoid diseases related to health.
MCP Recipes.
Definition of terms.

The word chicken comes from lat. pullus. Breeding that is born from the egg of a bird and especially that of the hen.