Chicken recipe to accompany in the daily menu.
El Seco de Pollo (Chicken Stew) is a meal to prepare on the daily menu and is an easy-to-prepare meal. So, if you are one of the people looking for something quick, and simple to do; This meal will be a good choice for you. Among the most important ingredients, you should get are chicken meat, oil, chopped onion, green pepper to taste (if you like spicy), ground cilantro, and sliced carrots. Let’s see how to prepare it!

Ingredientsof the recipe.
- 8 prey of chicken meat.
- Salt to taste, and optional.
- Cumin to taste.
- Half a cup of oil
- 2 cloves of chopped garlic.
- Chili green to taste.
- 2 chopped onions
- ¼ cup of chopped cilantro.
- 250 grams of peas (guisantes).
- 1 cup sliced carrot.
- Lemon juice.
Procedure of the recipe.
Time needed: 40 minutes.
This is the procedure of the recipe. Please follow the next steps now.
- Season the chicken with salt.
Season the chicken with salt, pepper, and cumin to taste. Fry with oil.
- Remove and add those ingredients.
Remove and in the same oil (from procedure one), add the garlic, onion, and chili. Add the cilantro, the peas, and the carrots.
- Put the chicken back.
Put the chicken back in the pot, and cook slowly until it is at its point.
- Add potatoes and Yucca (in Spanish Yuca).
Before serving, sprinkle lemon juice and serve with potatoes, yucca (Yuca) or rice.
- Accompany with fruit juice.
You can accompany this meal with a fruit juice, you can find the list here.
Use high-quality ingredients to cook the chicken dry. It is important that you choose or strive for those fresh foods. Apply the hygiene rules.
MCP Recipes.
Video de la preparación.
Where to find the ingredients of this recipe?

The ingredients for this Chicken Stew are easy to find. For example, if you lives in town small, the ingredients you can to find in the local Market. If you live in a big city, the ingredients you can to find in Supermarkets or malls.