Recipe prepared with chicken and ideal for the daily menu.
Chicken Fricassee is a typical meal cooked with chicken meat very easy to prepare. If you are one of the people who are looking for an alternative, you can cook this food by finding the ingredients locally. The most important ingredients are: parsley, large onion, salt, lemon, peas and butter. If you are looking for more meals cooked with chicken, you can find the list of meals here. Let’s see how to prepare it!

Ingredients of the recipe.
- 500 grams of chicken meat and cut into pieces.
- Butter to macerate.
- 2 tablespoons of parsley.
- A large onion
- Salt to taste.
- 2 cups of parboiled peas.
Procedure of the recipe.
Time needed: 40 minutes.
This procedure of the recipe. Please, follow the next steps.
- Chop the onion and fry.
Chop the onion and fry with a little butter, when it starts to brown; add the chopped chicken.
- Add broth slowly.
Add broth slowly, this way it will cook better. When cooked, remove from heat, and add the beaten yolks, chopped parsley and lemon juice.
- Move the yolks.
Move the yolks from one side to the other; and add the 2 cups of peas and leave to brown. Season with salt and seasonings.
- Serve with rice.
Serve with rice, and a fruit juice. You can find the list of Chicken Recipes here
Note. Cut the chicken meat so that it can be done in dams.
MCP Recipes.
Video of preparation.
Definition of terms.

The Word fricassée, comes From fr. fricassé And it is defined as: Stew of French cuisine, whose sauce is beaten with eggs.