Seco de Cabrito (Peruvian Recipe)

Typical Peruvian food, prepared for special occasions, and with a very delicious flavor.

The seco de cabrito, or "Cabrito", is a typical Peruvian meal, prepared as a stew, and with tender kid prey. It is accompanied by beans, and is cooked in firewood for a better flavor and texture. This type of preparation is highly recommended, because it makes the flavor more outstanding and pleasant. In addition to the rich flavor it provides, it helps to save money and is more efficient when prepared in large quantities. Nowadays, it is a meal that is prepared exclusively for birthdays, duels and large social parties.

Let's see how to prepare it!

Seco de Cabrito (Peruvian Recipe)
Seco de Cabrito (Peruvian Recipe)

Ingredients for seco de cabrito.

  • 1 kilo of tender kid meat, cut into pieces.
  • Umami seasoning (better known as "Ají-no-moto").
  • 4 head onions, cut into small cubes.
  • 2 leaf onions, cut into small strips.
  • 40 g fresh minced garlic.
  • One cup of fresh aji panca chili.
  • 2 cups of chicha de jora.
  • 125 grams of chopped coriander.
  • Vegetable oil.

The seco de cabrito, or "Cabrito", is a typical Peruvian meal, prepared as a stew, and with tender kid prey.

Procedure of the recipe.

  1. On a medium, comfortable dish, wash the kid's prey, and let them air-dry for a few minutes. Use the chicha de jora preferably.
  2. If the kid meat has fatty parts, remove them immediately, and try as much as possible to leave them clean.
  3. On that same source, add the chopped onion, the chopped coriander, 3 spoonfuls of ground garlic (this quantity is not defined), and the fresh aji panca bell pepper.
  4. With the help of your hands, move from one side to the other (or you can use a wooden spoon), and then season with pepper, cumin and salt to taste. Let it rest for one hour.
  5. After the time provided, prepare a basic dressing by adding vegetable oil, and ground garlic (between 1-2 tablespoons). And brown sufficiently. Once the dressing is ready, add the maceration of the kid on top of the pot, and let it cook over low heat.
  6. Usually, seco de cabrito is cooked for one hour on a wood stove.
  7. Check the stew frequently, and opt to use water when it starts to dry. If we wish, we can add a pinch of oregano, and then cover. Serve with rice and beans. And if desired, with aji escabeche (pickled chili pepper) and chicha morada juice.

Note: It can also be served with cooked yucca for a better presentation. And remember to cook the seco de cabrito at a normal temperature, so that the cooking does not accelerate and it is just right.

 Preparation video in Spanish

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