Benefits and the future of a Universal Basic Income (UBI)

Benefits and the future of a Universal Basic Income (UBI)
Benefits and the future of a Universal Basic Income (UBI)

In this article, we will analyze the benefits of applying Universal Basic Income to a given place or country; and how governments can use this concept, and distribute the wealth of a country. 

By Irvis Murillo.

Thousands of people survive with less than 5 USD a day, and inflation (also called oxidation), a concept that millions of people still do not understand why it happens, directly affects and pressures the people of the earth; an excess of concern about money, allows thousands of people to get heart disease, have more stress, and their performance is affected by the excess of wanting to work more.

For those who do not know what inflation is, here is a definition.

  •  Inflation is a loss of purchasing power over time: It means that your dollar will not go as far tomorrow as it did today.
  •  Inflation is usually expressed as the annual change in the prices of a basket of goods and services. In the United States, there are two main indicators of inflation.
  •  One, the Consumer Price Index or C.P.I., measures the cost of things urban consumers buy out of pocket. The other, the Personal Consumption Expenditures Index, or P.C.E., is published later and measures the things people consume, including things they don't pay for directly, most notably health care, which insurance and government benefits help cover. The two indexes are also constructed slightly differently.
  •  The Federal Reserve, the U.S. central bank and the institution charged with keeping prices from rising too fast, targets the P.C.E. index to rise 2% per year on average over time. Some consumer price inflation is generally considered desirable, in part because it gives businesses leeway to adapt to a changing economy - where labor and commodities may cost more - without being forced out of business.
Capitalism has been designed for those people who, with good strategies, can get better returns, and their people's assets can grow as inflation grows. But the lack of knowledge, self-control, learning from a young age... about financial education, the marketing of consumption, and the traditions of the ideals of poverty, allow millions of people to survive, or to always be on a tight budget every month.

On the one hand, people do not have excellent money management; and on the other hand, they want to live or have a life of luxury; because they are affected by consumer marketing, and then blame governments for their bad dealings with money, and its management; not knowing that the government, has no idea, nor blame on the control and decisions of each individual.

It is easy to make inappropriate decisions, and easy to blame it on someone else; however, the decisions we make, is without a doubt in 99% of the cases, our own decision. However, the reason why a basic income or a universal bonus should be implemented is that ultimately, the current jobs and trades we know will soon be eliminated and replaced by machines. 
It is at this point that governments and regions of the world should take action and create a strategic plan to help people and that this help reaches people in due time. 

As I saw in a video about the importance of Universal Basic Income, and that can be found in TED Spanish, it explains that, in the near future, this concept has a high % of being executed, and managed, and whose objective, is to provide a dignified maintenance for every human being, and without condition.

Video about the UBI TED

I know very well, that to implement this concept, is to create an ecosystem where the ideas of being socialist or communist, will be thrown out in loud voices, and that many adversaries (especially in politics), will contribute to the existence of all kinds of labels, and to sanction a government, simply for the fact, of wanting to give money to all its population. However, in my personal opinion, the application of a Universal Basic Income is much more than pursuing those erroneous ideas of being socialist or communist.

And I have the reasons for it:

Implementation of the Universal Basic Income, using Blockchain.

Maybe it sounds strange to mention about blockchain here; but blockchain technology, will allow that, the money that will be provided to all the people in a city or country; will reach the right person. With this, we eliminate the barrier of corruption, double identity, and individual misrepresentation (person pretending to be someone else). And it eliminates all the obstacles that we have seen, during the 2 years of pandemic, and where governments, provided, money vouchers, and other aid, for its population; and that, there were many errors of transparency.

With Blockchain, we have the ability to eliminate 99.99% of errors, and to allow all that money to get to all the right people, and for those people to use it to meet their basic needs. In addition, Blockchain technology allows all movements to be transparent, and is never deleted, and is public.

People claim every 24 hours

I know very well, those well said phrases and they are: money does not fall from the sky, and nothing is free. And this phrase is 100% true, and true. However, people who wish to receive their monthly bonus money, and who are not obliged to anything, can download the app, and they can claim their money every day, and in this way, they can accumulate it to use it every month, and satisfy their basic needs.

In this way, we create a process of effort, and obligation, where people have to claim their money every 24 hours, and do it manually. In fact, there is a current version of this, and it is the app, called: MyUBI App, from the MYUBI foundation; where people can download the app, and claim 5 USD daily (150 USD for 30 days), and 0.01 USD every 24 hours.

However, this app, is actually an app that has nothing to do with socialism, and the famous vague phrases of communism, and the ideas of a dictatorial country, do not apply; since the app, has a set of factors that make the money, have control, and a process without cheating, and they are:

  • You have to verify your cell phone number, and be a real person.
  • Claim every 24 hours, and wait 1 minute for the first transaction to be done, and you can proceed with the other payment. This way, you create time, and every day you lose time, and you are ahead of the time, when you have to claim.
  •  You have to set your alarm and claim at the exact time you claimed the day before.
  •  It is only possible using an internet router or your own mobile data. If you want to cheat, and create many users, and claim for 2 or 4 people; you will have to have 4 routers or 4 mobile data plans to do so; and as long as you have, only one, router, then you will not be able to. The app will tell you that it has already been claimed from that location, and you will not be able to do anything.
  •  Finally, you will not be able to use VPN or Premium VPN to be able to create identities. 
These factors have been designed so that everything is transparent, and you are the person you say you are. And with this, we eliminate the whole traditional and boring process of governments and their way of enforcing corruption. 

Money to satisfy basic needs

It has been proven that we live under the influence of consumer marketing, however, that can lead us to break our economy. It is not a bad thing that we have tastes and desires to use our money to buy something just for pleasure. However, that can be a double-edged sword, and I will explain here:
 People who indulge in luxuries, and live in the present, and who always want to satisfy their needs; and who do not think about their future, and who have traditional ideas, and prejudices; are the people, who, somehow, at present, have not even bought their own house, do not have at least one property and real estate, do not have a pension, and survive on free money from the government
 Perhaps many of my readers can give me a thousand excuses; from the luck of growing up in a wealthy family, to the opportunities that exist in your country; however, all these things are excuses and are only vague justifications.

I have found that we all fit in this life, and it is our job to seek and find. The pretexts above are only prejudices to cover up our mistakes and not to accept how badly we have acted. And with this, I can assure you that, at this point, you are blaming the situations around you and the government.

I know very well, that there are countries that live under dictatorships; however, if we live in a country in America, we can see that there is a low rate of these countries, and therefore, most of us are under a government that allows us to be democratic.

If in your country, the government is forcing you to give your property out of the blue, and without full trial; then, that is a dictatorship, and there, you can blame the government. However, if you live, in a country, where democracy still exists, then, the decisions you have made, regarding, your money, is 100% your decision. Don't talk, or comment...that the government is like this, or that, the congress should throw out the president...etc.

Decisions are internal, and you have taken the best decisions to be where you are.

Knowing that our economy depends on our personal decisions, it is time to use the money we claim for our basic needs. That is to say, it will be money that will only be used to buy food and essential elements to be able to live and be productive. It is not that this money will allow me to pay my debts or my credits; no. It is a controlled money, and that it will be used to pay my debts. 

It is a controlled money that will be used to satisfy your essential needs as a human being. And those essential things, you will be able to buy, only in those companies or stores that are legal, and pay their taxes; and in this way, we create an economic circle, where the well constituted companies, create jobs, and people acquire the best products and services.

I call this the collaborative economy.

Opportunity to donate to those in need.

The collection of the Universal Basic Income is voluntary and is not obligated to anything. However, if there is a technology that allows people to be the beneficiaries, then large non-profit organizations will be able to allocate their resources and support to that community. And for those people, who, being good contributors, and who have a lot of money, will be able to contribute that their money is destined to the right people, and in this way, a transparent and true channel is created to eliminate hunger in the world.

Maybe, that money you are claiming, or maybe, you think that money, you don't need it, but being a transparent money, you will be encouraged to be part of it.

This way, organizations, churches, and high net worth individuals can provide their money, knowing that the money is going to the right person. No hassle, no big kickbacks, no non-transparent processes...etc.

Capitalism 3.0

We live under the empire of capitalism, and that is good. In fact, in order to survive in this empire, it is necessary that you always make an effort; if you do not make an effort, you will not be able to survive. If you understand how capitalism works, you will realize that it is one of the best methods to live and control the economy of the world.

In fact, capitalism is summed up in 2 things: 1. Debt, through stimulus, or loans (credits), and 2. FIAT money (money made out of nothing, and mere papers, which have a lot of value, especially in our minds); and that is all you have to learn.

Thanks to a UBI, the economy will be able to flow locally, and it will be the people themselves who will provide value for their money; and if this, is part of a government, the result, will be much better. Because the money will flow, and it will create a vicious circle, which will benefit the people who will work well.

Why capitalism 3.0? Because the capitalism 3.0, that we live nowadays, is having problems, and it is necessary that its core, is updated. Since the new technologies, are making that, several jobs, are replaced by machines; and when, in a single production line, there were 10 people, now, there is a machine that makes for 50 people, and in a fast time.

This will create not new jobs per se; but will bring problems, and it is there, where the UBI, can be applied, and using Blockchain.

I want to conclude this topic, because it is important, that you can be part of this long term trend, and use it in the beginning; personally, I strongly believe in Universal Basic Income, and I am putting effort, and dedication, in learning more about it.

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