Peruvian recipe of the Mondonguito

3 hours. 10 – 15 people.

Traditional food from The cuisine of Peru.

Mondonguito, or also called “Sangrecita”, is a traditional meal of Peruvian cuisine, and is prepared for special occasions or large events (parties, marriages, baptisms, funerals… etc). It is a deliciously flavored meal, and it requires a long procedure to do so, especially when it is necessary, to be prepared for many people. Now, let’s see how to do it.

Peruvian recipe of the Mondonguito PERUVIAN RECIPES
Peruvian Recipe of the Mondonguito. 

Ingredients for Mondonguito.

  • A kilogram and a half of mondongo.
  •  3 and a half kilograms of egg potato.
  •  Chicha de jora.
  •  Ground garlic, a big bag.
  •  Fresh yellow chili pepper.
  •  Dry yellow chili pepper.
  •  Fresh red chili pepper.
  •  Pepper and cumin.
  •  Peppermint.
  •  Vegetable oil.
  •  A kilogram and a half of onions.
  •  Medium-sized rocoto.
  •  Chopped coriander in small.
  •  Leaf onion.
  •  3 and a half kilograms of cassava.
  •  Full pickle.
  •  4 -5 lemons.
  •  Seasoning Umami.
Peruvian recipe of the Mondonguito
Peruvian recipe of the Mondonguito

Proceed of the recipe.

  1. Maceration of the mondongo.
Peruvian recipe of the Mondonguito

  1.  Chop the mondongo we bought, and cut it into small.
  2.  Set aside all the cut mondogo in a bowl, and macerate: wash with chicha de jora, add the chili peppers, and season with pepper and cumin.
  3.  Allow to macerate and cover the meat fountain.
  4.  This maceration allows to obtain a better result and flavor. Leave for a minimum of 2 hours.
  5. Preparation of the stew.
  6. On a large pot, add the chili peppers, ground garlic, and oil to prepare the maceration. And let taste.
  7.  Add the leafy onion, and the onion in chopped into small squares. And move with a spoon until it forms a good stew.
  8.  Add the meat from the mondongo, and let it take consistency.
  9.  Leave to cook until cooked through.
  10. Peel the Egg potato (Papa Huevo).
  11. Peel the egg potato, and add inside the cooking and let take consistency.
  12.  Let cook and taste the flavor.

Preparation video.

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